Monday, May 11, 2020

Vogue Live 2020 in the time of quarantine

The Vogue Live 2020 that was supposed to happen this spring was to be in Seattle.  But as with everything it was cancelled.  However, they decided to host a virtual presentation.  Tickets were $3.99.  Which lets you see everything that is public.  Classes cost extra.  However by the time I registered, the classes were pretty much full.  There was a class still open Thursday afternoon of interest to me.  But it is supposed to be 80 degrees and pretty on Thursday....think I'll play golf.  But I still thought it fun to register for the Big Event.

So tonight I showed up for a session from 6-7 PM.  It was a virtual presentation from a yarn shop in Williamsburg, Virginia called the Flying Needles.  The lady who owns the shop wears two hats.  She sells the yarn made by others in her shop and at the same time she sells the yarn that she dyes. The yarn that she dyes is sold under the trademark Robin's Promise.  So tonight was a presentation of both faucets of what she sells.  Although the Robin's Promise yarn received the most "show time".  Susan, the lady who owns the shop and dyes the yarn, has a keen interest in birds and the colors of birds.  All of her hand dyed yarns have names suggesting a bird on our planet.

Probably the biggest part of the show was a shawl that one of her buddies made from Stephen West's pattern, Painting Bricks.  The shawl was very pretty.  But the kits that Susan was showing were sensational.  Susan had braided two assortments of small skeins of her hand dyed colors.  One is a rainbow assortment and the other she calls Designer.  Both are in her Songbird base which is fingering yarn.  And each small skein is 93 yards.  One needs to order two of the main color in Songbird and the big skein is 463 yards each.  The price for the entire kit is $109.  The shipping is free if you spend more than $100.  And the discount code is VKLLIVERP.  The phone number for the shop is 757-345-3655

Here is the rainbow:

And here is the designer kit.  I have made the note that I would like this kit with Tarred and Feathered

Neither of my photos show it very well.  Here is another try:  It is the color to the far right.

 I would go on her website to see these photos better!  They do not show so well in these photos.

However, I wanted to talk about the three  colors above.  These were the colors used in the Pappilon pattern that one of the helpers used to make for her mother.  They showed a very brief photo and it was wonderful.  These colors are from left to right:  Fawlkes,

Pheasant Feather

and CowBird Feather

Another wonderful color that I found while looking for these two was:
Pheasant Feathers in the sun (below)

But the trio of colors shown just above were colors that one of the other women in the shop used for the shawl papillon that she made for her mother.  Oh, WOW, the shawl was exceptional!  The colors are Cow Bird feather (the brown), pheasant feathers (deep burgundy) and Fowkes (variegated on the left end).  

One other thought that I don't want to loose is a color that she calls Perched in Tip Top of the Big Top.  It was amazing paired with Flamingo Feathers or a green that she pulled out that was a bit of a neon chartreuse.

One other color that I want to mention is Luv your LYS.  It is the variegated below.

This morning I went on Ravelry to look at some of the combinations for the Painting Bricks shawl.  I found one in another yarn that absolutely blew me away.

This version is made with Hedgehog's Alpaca Boucle and the knitter used West Wool Bicycle for the black background color.  She made some modifications in the pattern be sure to read her notes.

And this version was interesting as it is much more muted and uses blues, but is still very pretty.

And here is another version with a light background:

Oh, wow, I just can't get enough of looking at the many color possibilities

A few days later I am deleting e-mail in my inbox to try to get them to below 6000.  I found an old e-mail from Jimmy Beans that has a yarn that reminds me of the above and the below.  If is from a dyer who calls her yarn Fully Spun.  It is being sold on Jimmy Beans website for $35 for 440 yards and come in about 5 or 6 colors.  It is fingering and the base yarn is from Argentina.

I am still playing with the possibility of this purchase.  Here are some of the things that I have liked:

The first is Rikaart Cowl bu Mega Burcl.  I would buy the rainbow set with a funky yellow.  This version is by


Next is MamaHare's Smooth Move knitted from pattern Garter Breeze by Steven West

Next is On the Spice Market by Melanie Berg.  Oh, many great color ways that I couldn't choose:

Next is Lamina Wrap by Ambah O'Brienn

Next is Casapinka's Perfect Blend MKAL

Next is the Joker and the Thief by Melanie Berg

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