Sunday, October 14, 2018

Knitting project for car

After several incidents when I wished for my knitting while sitting in the car, I decided to start a project that will STAY in the car....never going inside unless I need to fix something or figure out something new.   One of the incidents was the Wednesday evening when there were wrecks in both directions on I-64.  I started to Mom's to take some wine to her.  I think I sat in that traffic for maybe an hour.  Then because by then I was late for tennis, I turned around and headed east.  The accident East of 29th street was even worse.  It was backed up on both I-64 and on Rt 60.

The project is a kit that I bought at Rebelle in Lexington.  It was during the period when I was hyped up about Collinette yarn from wales.  This kit was perfect colors for Harper's bedroom and very pretty.  I am using the pattern that came with it called Grand Teton.  The kit contains 
1 skein of Colinette Wigwam 
1 skein of Colinette Art 
2 skeins of Colinette Hoopla 
6 skeins of Colinette Mohair (in 1 - 6 colourways) 
2 skeins of Colinette Zanziba ( in 1 or 2 colourways)

I am knitting it on size 11 needles.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

A symmetricTrick

After shopping in the morning at Yellow Springs and stopping for lunch and doing some show and tell, our group decided to return to the Fiber Festival to purchase just a few more things that we had missed in the morning.  My own goal was to purchase yarn that was NOT Variegated....I wanted yarn that did a fade.  The quest was not as simple as I had thought.  I ended up in a booth where an extremely helpful lady helped me choose from her selection.  Interestingly enough, Dar, told me at a later date (Dar was not with me that day) that she actually knew this lady from her scrapbooking days.  And that the lady blogs and that Dar follows her blog in which she tells of traveling via her motor home with her dog and their various adventures.

You will notice on this last photo that there is a triangle pictured.  This gives the knitter a picture of how the gradient yarn will show up if you begin with the light green yarn is the proportions of the colors.  They gave me a post card that gives a pattern for a garter tab shawl that will look like that when knitted.  I have decided that I would like a shawl that is less of a triangle.  One that has longer "wings" and shorter triangular part.  I think that I am going to try a pattern called a symmetric Trick.  It is a free download on Ravelry.

I have not yet decided what size needles to use.

Puck Shawl

I viewed a shawl that I liked at the Yellow Springs Fiber Festival.  The pattern is Puck and can be found on Ravelry from boo-knits.

I am knitting this shawl with hand dyed yarn from Behind the Pines.  The other two colors are Amethyst and Sterling.  I am knitting on size 7 needles.  The knitting goes quite quickly and the directions are easy to follow.

There is another color way for this shawl that I may like even better than this colorway is the photo below for this:

I finished the Puck Shawl in April 2019.  I have not blocked it yet.  But I like it a lot!

I wanted to add the photo of the unblocked but finished shawl: