Sunday, May 5, 2019

Genealogy conference

I know that this is an odd title for my knitting blog.  However, I just returned from the Ohio Genealogical Society's spring conference and I, truly, my brain is still on overload.  So I have to start unloading my brain I'll start with my knitting thoughts.

As always, I packed way too much.  I went a day early to check into my room.  The conference was at the Great Wolf Lodge just northeast of Cincinnatti.  It is such a funny place to have a conference, but it actually works out very well.  My room was in the perfect place.  Half way between the main lobby (where one might buy coffee) and the conference area.  But I kept making the remark to everyone I ran is certainly easy to tell which are the swimmers and which are the genealogy people.

But back to the packing.  It was probably the first time in my life that I had packed exactly everything that I needed for the trip.  Never did I have the thought that I wished that I had brought X.  And the first day the rooms were freezing in spite of the fact that it was almost 85 outside....and then the rest of the days were cold and thank goodness I had brought sweaters and long sleeves.  I was reminded that my best look is a pair of pants, a t-shirt, and a long summer sweater with a necklace of some sort.  BUT, there were several women who had brought a nice shawl with them to wear in the rooms that were cold....and I definitely want to take at least one shawl next time!  In fact I think that I might want to knit a very specific shawl for just such events.  I will give that some thought and add ideas on this blog site.

The second thought that I want to add here is that I checked and Fiber Optics has a shop only 20 minutes away from the Great Wolf Lodge....and only a very few minutes out of the way when arriving or leaving the area.....just a few miles off route 32.  Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that the hours advertised said that they were open until 6 on Saturday, when I pulled up in front at 4:30, the place was closed....I will do this on another trip.  I am almost positive that Dar is a huge fan of Fiber Optics.