Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mitzi's shawl

Mitzi and Sally and I looked at a pattern and yarn several weeks ago. Mitzi bought the yarn and started on the project before Sally and I had purchased anything.  And Mitzi was disappointed with her project so neither Sally nor I bought the yarn nor pattern.  Now that I see the project in person, I am considering looking for pattern and yarn!  The yarn is Scheepjes Secret Garden.  And the pattern must be Shawl of Secrets.

I just bought the pattern and filed it in dropbox under shawls.  Here is the photo and yarn requirements from Ravelry:

Yarn Requirements 
50g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Rambling Blooms (705) 
50g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Summer House (707) 
50g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Hidden Pathway (701) 
50g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Secluded Lake (703) 
100g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Lavender Beds (704) 
50g Scheepjes Secret Garden : Herb Garden (702)

I have more projects than I can finish right now and the yarn is no longer on sale.  I think that I will put this project on back burner for a while.

Kelly's hat

Kelly finished her hat and tried it on for us all to see.  I like it a lot.  Don't want to loose the idea.  Kind of a tree of life motif on the side.  I think that I might make it just a bit less tall if I copy her idea.