Saturday, February 1, 2025

Cherie Chevron Shawl

 Finally finished Loop.  Very surprised how quickly I was able to weave in the ends.  So this past week I started my new Blue Ewe project: Cherie Chevron Shawl

I would never have chosen this shawl if I had not looked through the projects to find these particular colors and the owner wearing it exactly this way. I found the photos from the original project to not be nearly so appealing.  I am using yarn from the Blue Ewe:

The Variegated is from Tulip Tree Yarn in Lexington in color evening rainbow and the Red background color is Symphonie Terra in Red Rose.  I am using size 6 needles

Monday, January 6, 2025

Snow Day

 I had three doctor's appointments in place for today

All three have called to cancel because of the 

HUGE winter storm that has hit our area .

So I guess this will be a knitting day for me.

Hope to finish my Loop shawl!  And perhaps

start a new Blue Ewe project.