Suddenly it popped into my head as I prepared for my first DAR meeting as regent this month that I want a red, white, and blue wrap to wear on occasion to a meeting. I found suitable yarn in my stash. I will add the yarn at a future date. However, one huge question came to my mind as I read about different patterns that might be suitable: Are these yarns colorfast? Will my stripes bleed to pink when I try to block the shawl?
A google search found this you tube explaining how to test for colorfastness from Very Pink:
The yarns proved to be very colorfast so I am ready to start. I am using Springtime Wrap by Diane L. Augustin for the shape. The yarn is DK. However, I am going to use Lewisian Shawl and Hindsight shawl by Rose Mogerman as the color inspiration.